Make a difference as a family, group or community by using’s free Virtual Tzedakah Box

How it works
·    List and promote community service and Tzedakah projects your group is involved in
·    Share events, photos, videos, and documents
·    Contribute money to your Donor Group and allocate to the causes of your choice
·    Convene as often as is convenient for your group to discuss causes and make donations

·    All donations are tax deductible
·    Review your donation history
·    Instantly and automatically receive digital receipts
·    No more counting change and having to bring it somewhere or having to mail checks
·    Earn miles/points on credit cards
·    Discover your Jewish values
·    Share what you care about

How to create your free Tzedakah box
1. Complete the brief application below
2. Join JChoice
3. From your profile you will see your Donor Group
4. Use the Invite button to alert people to join and your group


To maintain the quality of our groups, we require applicants to speak directly with a JChoice Representative. Please enter the following information and we will be in contact with you in the near future * Denotes mandatory information
Contact Person :*
(First Name Last Name) Screen Name :*
You must have a JChoice account to create a group
Phone :
Email : *
Website (if any) :
Name of Group : *
Location : *
Why are you interested in creating a JChoice Group : *
Inquiry Type: *


© 2025 Jewish Causes of Choice, Inc. All rights reserved. Jewish Causes of Choice, Inc. is a non-profit organization exempt under the 501(c) section of the internal revenue code.